A childish insult that has never actually been used by a child. Are you a 30+ year old child that doesn't know how to dish out proper insults? If you answered yes to that question, 'ponk' is the word for you. Make sure not to pronounce this word correctly, saying the word 'punk' instead of 'ponk' is a huge no no.
For the purpose of this example we'll call the protagonist Mr Scott Ruin (he nails it, he actually 'ruins' this guy).
Now if you nail it right like Scott Ruin did (see example), you'll have them sucking on your goat sack. Don't be a rotten jerk face, get out there and start spreading ponk around. Bye bye buddy.
Scott Ruin: You are a dirty rotten mouth pig, you dirty sucker. Don't you ever talk to me like that again, ponk, yeah, ponk.
*Gas Station Clerk cups his meat and two veg in his hands as if to say, 'suck on my goat sack, you dirty sucker'*
Scott Ruin: bye bye buddy.