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A word that sexist women use to shame a man when they have projected their misandry against men onto him after he offers them some useful advice or information without even taking his or her gender into consideration.

Women posts on Facebook: "I'm looking for research on why there is widespread gluten intolerance in North America and not so much in Europe".
Man responds: "I've heard that it is because the bread is commonly fermented in Europe and commonly unfermented in North America. Also, I know a great bakery where you can buy fermented bread..."
Man thinks "wtf?"

by Sir Sarcasto December 11, 2018

36👍 36👎


Lecturing a white person, typically male, about how much alleged privilege they have over the other races and how they are still allegedly responsible for oppressing those other races today.

SJW: Wow this Doctor Who season 11 is great! I loved the Rosa Parks episode and the one on the apartheid in India!
White Man: I hate how they have taken an innocent and entertaining sci fi show and injected a bunch of politically correct social-engineering messages and are hitting me over the head with them every single episode, I am sick of all of the racesplaining!

by Sir Sarcasto December 11, 2018

11👍 8👎

Magic 8 Ball

The magic 8 ball is a divination device where you ask the ball a question, shake it, and then it gives you an answer.

But secretly, the answer comes from the Devil because if you take the numbers 1 to 8 (ie: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8) and add them up you get 36 and if you do the same with the numbers from 1 to 36 you get 666! The magic 8 ball is also black which of course everybody knows is the color of evil!

Joey: Hey Magic 8 Ball will I get a date with that hot blond Sally this weekend?
Magic 8 Ball: Don't count on it! (Evil laugh echos in the ethers in the background)

by Sir Sarcasto February 6, 2017

11👍 5👎


MuchMusic is a Canadian television station that started out as a television station dedicated to music in the 80's and would primarily play music videos nearly all the time. Inbetween the music videos it would play some shows with interviews from the artists creating the music and exploring new music genres being invented etc. There was much to do with music on it.

Sadly, somewhere in the late 90's or 2000's the format changed and it started playing anything but music videos and shows related to music. It really should be called "Not Much Music" now. It also has a spin-off channel "Much More" which should really be called "Much Less Music" because it doesn't seem to play any shows related to music on it anymore either.

Granddaughter: Hey, grandpa do you want to come watch Twilight with me, it's on MuchMusic.
Grandpa: Nah, my love. When I was a wee little lad I remember the days when I could turn on MuchMusic and see such great videos as A-Ha's Take On Me, Princes When Doves Cry, Duran Duran's Hungry Like The Wolf and The Police's Every Breath You Take. These days I prefer to remember it in it's glory days when it lived up to it's name "MuchMusic". These days they should really rename it "NotMuchMusic" because it has become to music just about what the History Channel has now become to History.

by Sir Sarcasto January 27, 2017


When women go on and on about how badly they are oppressed by the alleged patriarchy and how much privilege men, especially white men, allegedly have over women in society.

Often used as a retort by a woman when you try to point out the double standard of how sexism against men in TV shows, commercials and movies is allowed, while the same thing with the genders reversed would never be allowed and result in an outcry and heavy protest by feminist groups.

White Man: I find the way men are portrayed as aggressive and stupid in most commercials and TV shows these days, and how the women constantly put them down highly offensive, it would never be allowed if the genders were reversed, it's a double-standard
Woman: Yeah, well, you're a man and you're also white so you need to check your privilege and shut up. Women have it way worse than man and make less money so you need to just man up and take it!

White Man: God, can I point out the double standard of sexism against men in the media being accepted and sexism against women not be accepted to one women without her womensplaining about how privileged she thinks I am and how much of an oppressed victim of the patriarchy she things she is?

by Sir Sarcasto December 11, 2018

24👍 13👎