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similar to puttin' it on 'em.

lettin' 'em have it.

conquering all.

You got your ass whomped.

We are out here whompin' 'em.

Straight up whompum.

by Sir awesome November 2, 2007

4πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Used by people who use 'meme' (Pronounced ME-ME) Means a person's internet fails at being awesome. Most likely a mac. :D Or a another type of computer without DSL or cable. Vice Versa.

Prince Prodigy101: Dude, Ya know ryan? His internet is messed up!!! IT CAN'T GO ON INTERNET EXPLORER!

LemonSonic: LMAO!! FAILERNETZ!!! =D

by Sir awesome October 18, 2007

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A good-at-everything king of person. A Robey can practically Γ’Β€Βœdo it allҀ A Robey knows when you check him out. If you stair at him for too long then the love angel will forever take over your heart.

Hey Rebecca check out that Robey, *both faint* because of the essence of awesomeness.

by Sir awesome October 12, 2021

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