A typical mental issue when someone stuck in the past and cannot moving on to present and future living.
First Case:
Grandma: Today's music are so crap, unlike music on my era, full of orchestra and twist everywhere
Grandson: Oh, come on, grandma, stop sticking with your pastism
Second Case:
Incel: I wish my love story are as good as one of my ex, even though my ex was passed away
Chad: Rather than stuck in pastism, why don't you fix yourself and get a life?
Radio Interface Layer, a things on modern devices like smartphones or tablets that enables you to connect to internet or talking through phone
My RIL was fucked up, so the signal is zero
See: Keyboard Warrior, troll, internet tough guy, URL Badman
Virtual Gangster is the sore loser in real life, s/he has a ball to talk shit online but they are timid, matey, and passive-aggresive in real life
People who were shunned by everyone due to their ideology
Right wing extremists are shunned by:
Leftist (Communist, Anarchy, Libertarian, etc.), because they're discriminative (racist, sexist, ableist, you name it), anti democracy, pro-war, and regressive rather than progressive
Traditional right wingers (Conservative, Classical Liberalism), because they're rejecting religion, rejecting individuality, rejecting science, and promoting excessive control against free market
Centrists (Religious democracy, Pancasila, Compassionate Capitalism), because they're simply extreme, and the truth stands in between
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Also known as Reductio ad Stalinum, Reductio ad Marxisum, Reductio ad Chomskynum, Reductio ad Bakunum/Reductio ad Bakuninum, Reductio ad Libertarianum, Reductio ad Leninum, or Red-tag, is a logical fallacy (part of ad hominem) when someone dismiss speaker's argument by accusing them as a leftist
A: You're fascist <=A is deliberately doing reductio ad Hitlerum by accusing B as a fascist
B: STFU you leftist liberal special snowflake <= B is deliberately doing red-bait fallacy by name-calling A as leftist liberal special snowflake
Mobil Tua Bangka, this can be either:
1. Used/Secondhand Cars
2. Vintage Cars
Why people loves Motuba?
Because it's reliable and more powerful than any modern cars that you know
An euphemism for Hitler or Holocaust
If you're using H-word in any discussion, it means:
1. You're mean and ignorant of history
2. You lose and discussion must be stopped because you resorting to ad hominem attack by using Reductio ad Hitlerum (playing the Holocaust/Nazi card)
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