A slang term for old man/womxn (*cough* boomers), this term originated from Mapala/Tree-Hugger students community from University of Indonesia (UI)
Udah toku kelakuan kaya bocil, lu kena Peter Pan Syndrome ya?
Ad hominem (an argument which attacks the people/speaker instead of the arguments)
Not every insults are adhom, even though adhom can contain any insults
Multi layered cell
A perfect compromise between capacity (because MLC SSD have larger capacities than SSD) vs. Speed and Reliability (MLC SSD is slower and unreliable against SLC SSD, but it more faster and more reliable than TLC and QLC SSD)
Due to capitalism greed, a good MLC SSD is extinct and replaced by TLC or even QLC SSDs, heck, even DRAM-less SSDs are spreading everywhere.
People who prefer to stay inside their bubble (Parents basement, filter bubble, and such) instead of go outside and see the world. This people tends to embarrass themselves because of their narrow-mindedness
Don't be a no-lifer, get laid
1👍 1👎
Two types of disease:
1. A disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. It can be healed by taking special antibiotic formulations for six months to a year, depending with disease severity. This disease could be prevented by doing BCG vaccinations, twice in a lifetime (once for childhood, repeated dose in adulthood)
2. A disease which degenerates Islamic faith: Tachayul/Takhayul (Superstitions), Bid'ah (Innovation----in a bad way), Churafat/Khurafat (Myths, false beliefs, questionable cause)
TBC is harmful, but it is curable and preventable
Trying to be edgy, but ends up being gay instead
Baskara Putra is such an EdGay