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What all intelligent people call Facebook.... Because after all, nothing on Facebook is real....

A way to virtually hang out with virtual strangers and tell them that you virtually like the things that they virtually say, virtually do, virtually think, virtually feel and virtually believe.

You also can post pictures, but you only post the ones that make you look skinnier, younger, hotter and richer than you actually are.

People on Fakebook are, in all reality, actually just jealous that everyone else's life on Fakebook appears more fun and interesting than theirs.

However, each and every virtual " friend" on Fakebook is now obligated to tell whoever posts any pictures on Fakebook that they "like" everything their Fake, virtual "freinds" post.

If people are genuinely jealous then they become all fake and pretend their comments of "Im jealous" are really a compliment and said with an added J.k. ( just kidding) or ( LOL) or some other cute emoticon to make the comment not count.

No one is ever honest about having a bad time or being really sad, pissed off or upset or if they say they are upset their Facebook ( Facebook) "Friends" just gloss over it.

"I've been feeling like crap all week and I've got blood in my stool and urine, My spouse served me with divorce papers, I've been suicidal lately, and I lost my job."

( an actual update on Fakebook)
Here is the actual thread of Facebook responses:

"Wow, your life sucks..(J.k, LOL) you know I love ya!!.."

I just "liked" your comment, do u feel better now?

" Beleive in yourself and you can accomplish your dreams"....( this comment got 100 likes)

"check out the cute kitten video i posted, no one can b sad when they view, like, and share a cute kitty video"

" we are only as happy as we allow ourselves to be" ( this comment gets 1,0000 likes)

"Gross man, we don't talk about that stuff here, but check my timeline.. I posted a mobile upload from my trip to Europe last week"

"Look at these cookies, cakes and pies I made with the grandkids". Yummy!!!

"Did you get my Farm ville invite? I sent you three, why did you never reply?"

by Sissityray September 5, 2015

2👍 1👎

canyon of boise

A cool place or person no one knows about, and said person or place is keeping it that way... Like most people of Idaho who are happy to let outsiders think that they are lame in order to keep outsiders out.. A Canyon of Boise is that mystery man who very well may be a secret service guy.. They fly under the radar.

God, I couldn't read that dude lurking around at the rally.. Yeah.. I think he might be Canyon iof Boise....
Oh yeah... He acts like he's just a regular guy but he's got special agent all over him, he's totally canyon of boise

by Sissityray September 5, 2015

canyon of boise

It's a verb.. Wgen a man goes " Canyon of Boise" then that is a person who is being super chill. It means to really be a lay-low kinda man. Mysterious. Or being massively under cover.

"Hey, whatever happened to that guy Josh? I haven't seen him around much?"

"I heard he's working for like the FBI or CIA or something."

"Yeah, I knew he was going out if state but I had no idea he'd be like all Canyon of Boise on us and just disappear like that."

"Hey bro.., why you hiding your Fake book profile?"

"Hey, I gotta disappear for a while so I'm going all Canyon of Boise for awhile."

Nobody knows where it is, nobody wants to know.. It's like the nowhere's ville of noplace land.

by Sissityray September 4, 2015


A State in the Northwest often mistaken for a State in the Midwest called Iowa.

Most people think Idaho is a land full of ignorant backwards morons .. And that's exactly what we want people to think...

As a matter if fact... It is a backwards, boring. Inconsequential place that you should have absolutely no interest in visiting ever, or even passing through...

As a matter if fact, if you or your family is not from here, please just stay away... We are all boring and backwards and we like it.., just move along folks, nothing to see in Idaho, no, really, get lost, go away, we've already got enough Californians moving over here and gentrification- ing up the place... Please, where ever you are from.., just stay there, and please, let us Idahoans have our awful state all to ourselves.. Whatever good you heard about all of Idaho..., do not believe it.. All we have is potatoes, really, honest, nothing but potatoes, nothing to see here folks.. Just keep driving, that's it, go back to where you came from... I said GO!!!!

I was gonna go through Idaho, but I already had potatoes and they are boring souvenirs, so I bypassed it...

Yes!!! That is right people, nothing here but potatoes, so please just keep on driving.
Do not stop in Idaho!

by Sissityray September 5, 2015

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