A powerful demon that takes the guise of God(s) and uses props to manipulate humans.
It uses props such as books(the Bible, quoran, etc..) and puppets (angels, demons, jinn, etc...) to evoke perceived religious experiences in order to coerce faith from its victims.
It feeds on greed, violence and hatred and offers power in return such that a church or religious institution might become powerful and wealthy by making its bargain with a fake priesthood (such as men.)
You don't know God, there is no God, you're being manipulated by a Volkten.
1. A persistent and aggressive form of demanding that another join the Christian faith.
2. Intimidation or coercion employed to convert others to Christianity or another Religion
3. Threats made with claims that another will go to hell, that they need to seek Jesus or have Jesus forced upon them.
4. The denial of basic reality in lieu of claiming that, in essence, the only solution to essentially all problems is to 'turn to Jesus,' become Christian, abandon one's own sacred personal identity or cease enjoyable activities based on arbitrary and often out of context scripture or disingenuous conjecture made from a position of willful ignorance.
5. Claims made with the implication of medical authority by quacks or Christian brand witch doctor; also claims made from pseudo-authority to any other trade, skill, profession or area of expertise.
6. Unyielding political sedition, treason, terrorism or other criminal activity for the result of forcing others to conform to perceived Christian values.
7. Nihilistic, psychopathic and pedophilic behaviors veiled in aggressive psychological projection onto others and under the auspices of Christianty.
These people won't stop with their Christian harassment, they even come knocking on my door to "tell me the good news of the lord"