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The most real, raw rapper out their. Creator of Acid Rap, and a God in his own right.

"Esham is the dopest rapper out their"

by Siwep February 7, 2007

62👍 27👎


One of the most legendary MCs of all time. Made countless amount of ill songs. Founded of the Temple of HipHop.
"Rap is somthing we do, Hip-Hop is somthing we live."

"Put on some more KRS-One"

by Siwep February 7, 2007

207👍 82👎


Another name for Holden. Instead of "That car is a Holden" it is quite acceptable to say "That car is dodgey!"

Thats the most dodgey car ive ever seen!!!

by Siwep February 7, 2007

28👍 43👎