Baby Boomers who can't stop whining about their retirement problems, losing medicare and social security, the inability to afford a golf membership, etc.
If Cliff had saved more for retirement instead of spending it all on hookers and blow, he wouldn't be such a BooHooHoomer.
One or more females associated with a guy or group of guys to create an image of heterosexuality.
Katie Holmes, Bar Refaeli, any chick with a pack of dudes
Jim: Hey, look at that hot chick riding in the back of that sausage wagon!
Tony: Yeah, that's their straight cred.
Dax begrudgingly brought his girlfriend with him to the lake as straight cred. He knew what a bunch of dudes in a giant boat shaped like a penis would look like to onlookers.
I used to give hoes the Arabian Goggles. Now that I lost me nut to cancer, I give 'em the ol' Polish Monocle!
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