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Car Bowling

When you go through a school zone with your car and try and hit as many kids as you can.

Yo letҀ™s go car bowling!
My high score is 26 in car bowling!

by Skeleton king with the thicccc February 26, 2020


They are the Pepsi of America. They use syrup per moose instead of miles per hour. When they are mad all you here are angry beaver noises. They regurgitate there food and feed it to there children. Overall nice and chill peeps tho

Your a fuckin Canadian. Canadians have free health care.

by Skeleton king with the thicccc October 16, 2019

18πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


White people shit

Math is like bad

by Skeleton king with the thicccc November 12, 2019

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Gamer girl

Likes playing video games but usually bad at them (except slime rancher). They are pretty quiet but can be skanks. Gamer girls also have a whole horde of guys around them not knowing they are beating there fucking cocks to them. Gamer girls also fuck with guys emotions (fucking trust me)

I just met a Gamer girl

Gamer girls r hot

Gamer girls are fucking skanks

by Skeleton king with the thicccc July 6, 2019

39πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


A battle cry that hippies use. People also use this in Airsoft when they are going crazy. Freetor is also very good to call someone when they are acting like a fucking retard

FREETOR! FUCK EM UP AND REMEMBER FREETOR! Your acting like such a freetor

by Skeleton king with the thicccc April 16, 2019

Lightning McQueen

A total beast of carkind. This is the kind of car to get the good sloppy on his exhaust pipe. This mans voice is so sexy when you hear it you bow down to this GOD of a car. This guy has all the good car shit he super fast. When he revs up them flabby cheeks lightning strikes in a 200 mile radius. Lightning McQueen also owns a 5 star restaurant and taught Gordon Thunderbus how to cook his lamb sauce.

Lightning McQueen is sweeeeeet dood.
Lightning McQueer gets all dat car puss

by Skeleton king with the thicccc November 12, 2019

74πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

mofo joe

Mentally challenged child. Has bowel problems. But overall, a rap god. Destined to go to Hollywood. He also grows a world record long pubes hair collection

your such a mofo joe
you are going to become a mofo joe

by Skeleton king with the thicccc January 22, 2019