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Mundane Rule

The "Mundane Rule", proposed by Matt Jarbo (Mundane Matt) is the rule that any time a meme becomes popular it will be declared "ist" (Racist/Sexist)

So Sweeden just enacted the Mundane Rule over the Distracted Boyfriend meme

by Skua September September 26, 2018


The International Lord of Hate is a pseudonym used by the internationally bestselling author Larry Corriea after being accused of hatemongery and villany by Guardian "author" Damian Walter"

"Ooo, Larry Corriea is signing books in the Dealer's Room"
"Didn't the Guardian call him a hatemonger?"
"Yup, The International Lord of Hate himself"
"ILOH? I Like that"
<rumble from the mountain that walks and talks> "So Did I. That's Why I Took It"

by Skua September June 19, 2018

68👍 1👎


Flaccist (noun): an advocate or practicioner of "flaccism".

"So you're saying that Anita Sarkeesian actually used a speaker's podium to bully some guys and got away with it?"
"Yup, Hank and John really proved they are Flaccist.

by Skua September July 27, 2018

Kevin de León

(noun, proper)Kevin de Leon is the pseudonym for Kevin Alexander Leon, a California state senator who gained fame for his "ghost gun" video in which he strung together scary sounding words into technical gibberish to justify restricting voter's rights.

(verb) to "de León" is to string together gibberish in an attempt to overcome your listener's mental processes and evoke an emotional response instead of a rational one.

"Did that senator just string together a bunch of scary sounding words to try to bullshit us?"
"Yup, he pulled a Kevin de León"

"Hey, what is it called when someone strings together bullshit?"
"It's called 'de Leóning' something"

by Skua September June 20, 2018

Sad Puppied

When an group of insiders have held a particular authority for a long period of time are suddenly faced by a revolt not just of designated 'bad people' but of everyone in the same field tired of their constant refrains of being 'oppressed' despite their being the actual oppressors and suddenly and brutally lose their previous authority.

Yeah, they got Sad Puppied and are now threatening to take their ball and go home

by Skua September April 10, 2015

176👍 8👎

Get Woke, Go Broke

Get Woke, Go Broke is a phrase coined by the internationally bestselling author John Ringo to express the opinion that when organizations "get woke" to politically correct actions, those same actions usually result in a massive loss of income.

This is usually because the Twatter instigators calling for the company to "get woke" doesn't actually spend any money with the company.

"Hey, I heard that the 2018 GAMA convention was like totally empty"
"Yeah, man. 'Get Woke, Go Broke'"

"So I heard Yeti stopped their NRA discounts."
"Yup. Apparently they didn't realize that the majority of people who bought their shit were hunters."
"Get woke, Go broke!"Z

"Dude, I went by Dick's last night and the place was empty. What the hell?"
"Man, didn't you hear? They stopped selling modern sporting rifles and hired a gun control lobbyist in DC. All of their actual spending customers went elsewhere."
"Get woke, go broke?"
"Oh hell yeah. So much that the board got called out in a shareholder's meeting!"

by Skua September June 17, 2018

3123👍 119👎

Real Author

A "Real Author" is someone who has at least 500 people show up for book signings. It has nothing to do with being an international best seller or owning your own mountain purchased through your book sales. It only has to do with how many people show up to get you to sign their books.

"So, how many people are out there?"
"There's about 200 in line!"
<sigh>"Still not a Real Author"

by Skua September June 18, 2018

41👍 1👎