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Noun; An obese, Balding old man, one that thinks he is the shit for no apparent reason.

The type of person to wear a hat everywhere for "style" but in reality is just hiding his ever growing soul patch.

The type of person to act "hard" and "gangsta" online, waving around BB guns in discord calls talking about nonexistent "racks"

But in reality this is someone who has no friends, a dead end job and their only outlet for happiness in their life is their thinning online "social group"

This person has no wife, doesn't even have a girlfriend or a sidepiece because not only are they incompetent in bed.

They are often extremely socially unaware and unpleasant to be around in general.

These traits are likely a product of being bullied continuously throughout early and mid childhood, resulting in the person withdrawing to online communities to avoid any real backlash from their personality.

"My best friend Jad and i are going to have an Epic weekend"
"oh yea? wyd?"

"Were gonna display our edgy fake personalities on discord, eat pizza and harass minority groups while we boast about how much money we dont actually make"

"wow, you really sound like a piece of shit, Andrew"

"... shut up F*****"

by SkullCrusher98 March 31, 2024