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A terminally illness originated from the small town of fort st James bc, slades is a mixture of aids and raccoon seamen. Common side effects include stink dick and attraction to small defenceless children

Yo dude your dick stinks, you must have slades

by Slades April 10, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A white douche bag who pretends to be Asian and thinks heรขย€ย™s funny. He chugs soy sauce because he can, and he as wild really gay thoughts about horses and theee semen. How do i know this? Mine names slade.

Boy, slade is a real ninja fucker

by Slades May 9, 2022


A stupid teenager who thinks saying fuck 17 times is immature, then proceeds to say fuck 17 times

Slade is a poopdick farthole

by Slades August 3, 2022