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(#1) Someone ugly
(#2) Something bad

(#1) Jayden: The mandem think Rachel is butters, uno
(#2) Ronnie: This food is butters, uno

by SlangForDays April 5, 2021

Unexpected Cream Sniff

The act of a man jerking off into his girlfriends sock, taking it over to her and putting it on her foot and then taking it off and licking it.

“I unexpected cream sniffed Jennifer yesterday. Her parents kicked me out”
“My man”

by SlangForDays October 21, 2020


The act of having sex with a man, then having an argument straight afterwards and then having sex again

“Me and Veronica frondled last night.”

by SlangForDays August 19, 2020


A word created by KSI in 2019 which means that you’re so rich, you don’t even have to look at price tags.

A: Bro, you’ve picked up 5 Gucci trainers!
B: Don’t worry, I’m banjin.

by SlangForDays February 14, 2021


Meaning #1: Something obvious
Meaning #2: A well known or popular person/ place

A: Duck him down and take his phone
B: Nah man, that’s bait. He’ll see that it’s me

A: Bruv, I might go London uno
B: That place is bait

by SlangForDays March 6, 2021

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