Source Code


The Internet Web thing as a whole. The contraction of these two words: Net and Web = N.E.B

"Say Coasty, what do yu think of that Obama ragia on the Neb?"
"He's the right man, no shit, Cain's got all my respect, he is a tough mofa but Obama is my man. Check the Neb to see a vd of him playin' basketball, he's got style, he's got style"

by Slangherinthenight August 18, 2008

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right in the fuck!

1. Back in the ass!
2. Well done!
3. Owned you!
4. Well play!
5. Well said, correct, agreed, true truth, as you say...

1. Abwoat:
"Those shaรƒยฏtantologists devil's motherfuckers advertise on their craps in U-Dick.com, can you believe that Coasty?
"Sure can, they owned you, right in the fuck, stupid con!"

2. Abwoat:
"I saw that girl Chelsee last night at the Private Bitch Party, she said she wanna talk to you seriously on that matter of the money you borrowed and never returned to her 'ma. She seemed to me very upset. Did she showed up here, what happened?"
"Yes she moved up here"
"So what did you do?"
"I fucked her up very seriously"
"Ahhah, right in the fuck! That boobass was swearing words on yu at the party man! Damned bitches! Well done, back in her ass"

by Slangherinthenight May 16, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.An half'rican is a mixed race person, bi-racial, obaman, half breed, mulatoe, brown skin, barakoon, mestizo...yuu name it.
2.An half'rican kid is often raised(or not wtf!)by an african american(or african carribean or african immigrant...)father and a caucasian american mother but it works quite fine too if ma' is african and pa' from USA.

"Guess what!"
"Obama's been shot by a fuckin' marine?
Abwoat(after a pause, with joy in his voice):
"No stoop, he won the presidential election! He is our next president. I mean he is. Barack H. Obama is president. This motherfucker young half'rican is O.U.R P.R.E.S.I.D.E.N.T!"
"Shit on me, yuu don't say... the mixtican bwoy, president. Of the USA. My U-S-A of America. He made it, that son of a bitch, his father fucked his mother on the beach of Lake Victoria and all the shit of the world is fallin' on us!"
"C'mon, enough with bigotry, this is modern time, relax. It gonna be alright. We have three presidents in one: a black one for the blacks, a white for yuu and me and the brown for the black-and-white. What the fuss? This is a Triumvirate. Julius Caesar did that with Pompey and Crassus in 60BC in Rome. With the fuckin' financial crisis going on out there it is good to have the 'three in one' package"
"... fuck the Triumvirace! Fuck yuu con! Fuck the Lake Victoria!"

by Slangherinthenight November 9, 2008

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Prononciation like "what tough"
Straight meanings:

World Trade Footage
World Trade Falsehood
World Trade Fancy
World Trade Fiction
World Trade fabrication
World Trade Fibing

1.An elaborate fabricated story on purpose to dissimulate the truth, to misinform listeners or viewers and to mislead them.

2. A lie, a fiction, a falsification of truth.
3. A topass, a boobass, a show-up girl or woman, a bitch

1. Coastello:
"Say Abee, how'bout Jo Mac Cain million followers on Twister?

"Wtf***, machine collectors 24/24-7/7!"

2. Coastello:
" Ab, guess what? Chelsee wants to commit suicide!?"


3. Abwoat:
"That Chelsee girl... what a Wtf*** she is. No shit, one should train seriously to get to that level of stress without brain failure. She wrote a tweet telling the whole world she saw two alliens with suitcases trying to burglarize her neighbour's house. That she called nine-one-one but not even one showed up."

"Holy Book, she must be a shaรƒยฏtantologist... did she voted for Hillary Clinton again?Dam bitch!"

by Slangherinthenight August 2, 2009

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1.A flying U.F-111.O over the Free Tibet Chinese territory
2.A Houston Cap Carnaveral hippie freak aeronautical engineer
3.The meaniest motherfucker bombardier flying saucer in the sky ever... dropping bombs and shit on our people

"The shit on me, the President is a true Astro-American, look at him on this photo wearing that Navy blue suit!"
"Sure, that dude can do the job, he can shit our shit everywhere on this planet, right in the fuck!"

by Slangherinthenight May 18, 2008

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1.In France, policefemales on rollerskates or (for policemales you should say dragqueers)
2.a bitch...
3.a topass, a boobasss...
4. a rollerstate female

"Hey dude, see the news on Olympics? They've got some nice topass dragqueens in the French Security Service, too bad they just use them only to protect this damned buses of fuckedupintheass french athletes!"
"Shit right fel'w! These rollerstates... some pro-tibet must have got horny horny that day. Free Tibet you cons chinese motherfuckers in Paris!
"Let's call your friend Chelsee, is she pro or con?

by Slangherinthenight April 8, 2008

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Urban Dictionary Official Slang Name

2.or Dickoo(for Aussies)
3.or Dicky(like in Blackoak County,Mississipi)
4.Dick.coms at Computown,California

1. Abwoat:
"Say cat where the fuck is the mouse? I'd like to check some adds on U-Dick"
"The shit on me if I know where is the fucking mouse. Can I have some mustard you tard'? What's that U-Dick thing you talking 'bout anyway?"
"It's the Urban Dictionary Official Slang Name coming from West Croatia you tard!"
"Say Abby, the fuck if I care 'bout those damned Croats!I am an Astro-American and I can shit anywhere on this planet, motherfucker!"

by Slangherinthenight May 18, 2008

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