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Beta male

A beta male is one in which does what the alpha's do to fit in and possibly mate one day to let his beta offspring feed off others.
E.G. John Asidao which hangs arounds chicks and gets them to fall for him, Cyle Tanschuk who gets others to fight for him

P1: Omg like Cyle is such a Beta male
P2: What? why?
P1: He's getting these bitches to fight me!
P2: Sounds like Cyle needs a lesson

by Slavco is da best May 24, 2019

1👍 5👎

Sup Buddy

If your walking around Winnipeg and someone walks up to you saying this fucking run the other way

Me: Minding my business
Gangster Indian: Sup Buddy! Walking towards me
Me: Oh shit! Runs the fuck away

by Slavco is da best November 23, 2019

12👍 2👎