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Fordson High School

hmm..where arab hoes like to go so that they can tell their parents that they're doin something good...yea rite..Fordson is where most hoes go to do it and cry that they got pregnant..trust me..i know..i was in the bathroom once and i saw two grls checkin on pregnancy test and screaming-"whats blue! whats blue!"...yea the guys ALL do their eyebrows...they're thinner than most of the grls eyebrows...the guys are man hoes too...the freshman act like theyre the shyt..damm they are so wrong..the teachers are ight and the teaching system is really good...hmm..lets see wat else should we say about fordson... oh ya..its full of Arabss...like me..yea we make terrorist jokes and its pretty funny..yea and they grls go out with the guys but after they break up they find out they they were somewat related..ewww and they actually made out with each other...plus the grls parents would kill her if they found out they actually had a boyfriend.anyway..if u wanna know more juss IM me at= Call Me Slim xo

A Couple in Fordson High School.
Guy-hey baby, wanna get in my car?
Girl-ok ali but this has to be fast
Guy- ok no problem
3 Months Later
Girl-hey ali wats up
Guy- hey baby not much juss tired
Girl-i gotta tell u somethin
Guy-yea wassup
Girl-im pregnant and i think its urs
Guy- oh helll nawww..bitch get the hell outta my life..i used a condom..peace out

by Slim xo September 12, 2006

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