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The very best friend a girl could ever have and most girls will not see how cool she is because ......she is so real and will call out your phony parts and to a whole room if need be....and the boys and girls that do like her liker so much that ....the ones tha don't see her get all butt hurt.....if you are real she will kick it ad make you laugh so hard that you cheeks and stomach muscles will be sore for Days....
If you are blessed enough tha she loves you ,you will fall so in love with her you will be there with her for life even if you are in different parts of the world you will feel how much she loves you...
If you meet a cerissa and are at first taken aback by her candor and the funny girl she is you better take a minute and put on your real face and give another chance it more than worth it I love cerissa and have for a long time 22 years plus...I will always have her in my heart and my life...beautiful sexy smart and funny

Did you ever meet that new girl cerissa she is apart from all others and worth every second you spend with her.

by Slolady and CC August 26, 2023


A wannabe chewed up sperm donor

Look at that dickwad ,got a blow job and she convinced him tha is how to make babies.......

by Slolady and CC May 17, 2023


Wannabe chewed up sperm donor

What. Dickwad he got a blow job and she convinced him that's how you get babies .....

by Slolady and CC May 17, 2023