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Begone Thot

A meme originally just referring to "That Hoe Over There" in a derisive fashion, now a classic all inclusive word used by Fire Emblem fans to refer to certain male or female characters (usually ones who are fan-service heavy types )-however it is still used both within the fire emblem fandom and throughout the internet as a term of abuse aimed at female sexuality.

my girl 5*Julia: *sees some bitch-ass Thot blue units*

Julia: -special instantly activates-"BEGONE THOT"

"As a member of the Thot killing patrol I cannot permit you to live"

Thot Bow : hey Alm, remember me?

Alm: "dear gods... it's a Thot!

Gramps: " Alm, drink this 🅱️otion and become a Thot slayer"

Alm: "Thanks Gramps"

by Smash and Fire Emblem October 25, 2017

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