julia's are very whole-hearted. they care so mich for others even though it may not seem like it, and love is rarely shown back to them. julias love impressing other people and making people happy, getting the job done. julias have a hard time finding the right person for them because they are so damn picky but when they do have their mind set on someone, its hard for them to forget them. all julia's want in life is to love deeply, be loved back, and travel the world. julias love art and are amazingly talented, and know it but dont show it. lots of people need a julia in their lives in order to function, because they dont realize what they have until they're gone. while julias can act very humorous and have blonde moments at times, julia's are bery sensitive and hide their true emotional feelings. they conceal many things while also selectively exerting their feelings at the same time. julias may seem downy or moody but of you get to know one they are the best most loving and caring girls out there. She fake smiles or rarely smiles, but when she is truly smiling it's because you made her happy and she loves you. A julia will brighten your life like no other so dont let her go.
When Julia smiled at me I felt like a million bucks.
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