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A website that takes highschool students focus away from study. Addictive and annoying at the same time. Allows you to make contact with real life bands that have actually made it in the real world.
A Site That Shall Forever Be Seen As Internet God (Other Than Google Of Course).

Facebook and Bebo are much the same.

Parent: are you doing your homework
Teen: Sure *reading comments*
Parent: *Walks in room* What is that?
Teen: Assignment *shifty eyes*

Interviewer: If you could invite 2 people to a dinner party who would they be?
School Captain: my fellow school captain and Tom from myspace so I can tell him how much study time his site took away

by Smiley_Swarley July 11, 2008

5👍 3👎


Barney was mistakenly called Swarley in a tv show called: How I Met Your Mother

lady in the cafe is calling for swarley...
sees barney and hands coffee to him...
Barney looks at his coffee cup, it reads Swarley

by Smiley_Swarley July 11, 2008

669👍 518👎


A word to break an awkward silence

I'm A Flying Unicorn now oftenly used

a group of people finished a convo...

Random: BLAH!

by Smiley_Swarley July 11, 2008

28👍 16👎