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Dice goblin/dragon

This is the child of a dice goblin and dice dragon.

A dice goblin collects dice simply for how many they can achieve. They do not care if it comes as a single die or as a set they just need more.

A dice dragon cares some about quantity but mostly about quality. They like the Shiney. Having a set of dice for a specific reason or character.

A baby of a dice goblin and dice dragon cares about both. They have nice Shiney and specific dice sets yet they also want "all of the dice". They awe the dice as there precious.

They protect there horde and have some dice that are there's and there's alone and others that are for sharing.

They take pride in how they store there dice and even have display cases or special displays for them.

Some people who fit this category may even give there hybrid dice goblin/dragon an alter ego name.

Man that's a lot of dice and there is also some really nice ones in there. Are you a dice goblin/dragon?

I'm the baby of a goblin and dragon. I need all of the dice yet these are my most precious.

by SmithySledge September 26, 2021