1-verb, (to shunder)
Used to describe someone that is
severely stoned or drunk and is
wandering aimlessly.
2-Used to describe someone who is
acting in an abnormal mannor, usualy
due to intoxication.
3-verb, (to shunder){to wonder about
something/to ask for something/
to be inquisitive}
Derived from: To wonder-verb, -to be
curious about something.
-present tense usualy
spoken both as 'Ashundering'
Ash-undering / Ash-underin}
1,2- To shunder
~ Man, i was shundering round town
for hours last night.
~ You are shundering badly right now.
~ I am gonna be fucking shundering
after this big bag of fucking cans
with the lads.
3- (to shunder about something)
~ I was shunderin if you wanted to
come out to chill out and smoke a
~ Ashunderin if you had any skins.
~ That doob is gonna make us
shunder about the stupidest shit