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A hanger-on is someone who hangs on to a celebrity is either no longer relevant and are in the purgatory or relevance and irrelevance. A hanger on has something to gain by hanging out to the has-been celebrity. A hanger-on is a pejorative meant to belittle and degrade someone who is clasping on to a barely relevant celeb to increase their measly social status and career.

The only people left in Chris Brown's crew are hanger-on types.

by SmokerisnoJoker July 23, 2017

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The music and movie industry's way of making a profit by telling stories of undying or unrequited love. This cons and deceives their audience who want to feel the euphoria love is supposed to produce and the sadness and sorrow when the feeling passes. This is a path to celebrity for many actors and frauds. Love captivates the human psyche and is a symbol of humanity to think about and ponder love. Love's most important ingredient is physical and sexual attraction and without it, you were never in love and all you had was a friendship. Love's greatest dilemma is finding mutual attraction and beauty, then the two partners staying together and building intimacy over time. This is an ideal and it is why it is torture. Love is pain. Losing the love object produces pain.

Some humans cannot feel or experience love due to traumatic upbringings. Such people are said to be too narcissistic to love anyone but themselves. Furthermore, the more average you are, the easier it is to find people you like and relate to. The smarter and better-looking you are, the more difficult the pursuit of love becomes. If you are truly one of a kind, your love life is hopeless and you may as well resort to platonic relationships and gigolos.

I was in love with him, it was his blue eyes and his wit, I will never feel the same with anyone else every again.

by SmokerisnoJoker September 24, 2015

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