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Experiencing nausea from trying to work out at Equinox when it's too crowded.

Friend 1: I don't even know why we pay for this gym anymore! Equinox is way too crowded!

Friend 2: I know it's making me feel noxseous!

by Snaplatts October 23, 2019


Having absolutely no chance.

Often used when responding to a statement that can't be true.

Casey: "Dude Watch the Throne is the best album of all time."
AP: "Chanceless, just wait until Watch the Throne 2 drops."

by Snaplatts September 21, 2018

White Bread

An incredibly basic or boring person that brings nothing to the table in everyday life or conversation.

Someone you really don't want to be friends with.

Synonym: Mayo
Abbreviation: WB

"These girls I work with at my new job are the worst" -Jules
"Why?" -AP
"They're sooooo boring, just some straight up White Bread bitches.

by Snaplatts January 19, 2018

Hailey Grice

A southern bell that’s the baddest bitch west of the Mississippi

Damn that Hailey grice is the baddest bitch I’ve seen since Obama was president

by Snaplatts December 6, 2020


a girl with a bad ass bitch mentality and attitude

Damn have you seen Ally lately? She's got some badditude

by Snaplatts July 14, 2019