Experiencing nausea from trying to work out at Equinox when it's too crowded.
Friend 1: I don't even know why we pay for this gym anymore! Equinox is way too crowded!
Friend 2: I know it's making me feel noxseous!
Having absolutely no chance.
Often used when responding to a statement that can't be true.
Casey: "Dude Watch the Throne is the best album of all time."
AP: "Chanceless, just wait until Watch the Throne 2 drops."
An incredibly basic or boring person that brings nothing to the table in everyday life or conversation.
Someone you really don't want to be friends with.
Synonym: Mayo
Abbreviation: WB
"These girls I work with at my new job are the worst" -Jules
"Why?" -AP
"They're sooooo boring, just some straight up White Bread bitches.
A southern bell thatâs the baddest bitch west of the Mississippi
Damn that Hailey grice is the baddest bitch Iâve seen since Obama was president
a girl with a bad ass bitch mentality and attitude
Damn have you seen Ally lately? She's got some badditude