A guy who talks to every person who carries a female taco. He is perverted and mean gets incredibly envious over you and storms off like a tween girl who just got her phone taken away by her parents. However, I must add he's a decent friend. Always there for you but will diss you and try to make moves on you once you've moved on and found another partner. He doesn't understand boundaries since he tries to cross them whenever he feels like there is an opportunity. He likes to flirt, be cautious as he seems to flirt with half the female population then deny it afterwards. He's a smart guy loves cars more than anything even though some of the cars he likes are questionable. He's a church guy yet is very naughty. Hes aight.
Me: Brent text me
Boyfriend: *grunt* he always seems to text you when I'm with you.
2👍 3👎
A person who is super smart, extremely helpful and nice beyond belief. He is also incredibly weird and chooses to hang out with similar minded people. He's fun to text, if he even replies. Sometimes he can act like he's too good or cool to talk to you. So he has some douchey character traits. Over all he's a nice guy. Someone you want to keep in your life as a friend. However,don't ever tell them that you have a crush on them or else they will shun you like you have the plague.
Her: does Elvis still talk to You?
Me: nope! I tried, but whatever.
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