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A try-hard is a particularly poor player who picks their character and playstyle based off the current meta-game despite not being able to actually use said character/playstyle well. They will often also insult players who are doing well but are not following the meta.

Try-hard: OMG! Why is this so hard? Boot the warrior because warriors suck and EVERYONE be sure to pick hunters because hunters are the best.

Player: But the warrior is top DPS and you're a hunter and the bottom DPS.

Try-hard: That's because you're all idiots who aren't following the strategy and I don't see why I should try when you're all such noobs!

Player: But even the healer is beating you in DPS.

Try-hard; That's it! I'm out! You guys are ****ing n00bs and I'm going to find a REAL group!

by Snowtwo September 15, 2016

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