You've most likely seen more than one in your walls if your landlord or the one that oversees your landlord is on crack.
Landlord- You give me 20 dollars and I will get that crack caulked right up.
Tenant- You started saying that 3 years and thousands of dollars ago, just like you said it a couple of nights ago when you showed up while I was trying to get some sleep at 3 am. This building is ready to collapse on my kids.
Some people think of a hawk as a free spirited bird, when really a hawk is far more cautious than a human when you notice the little things about it. A hawk doesn't have money to buy groceries, or to buy guns, bow's and arrows, and gas to go hunting. A hawk has to depend on itself to survive. A human wouldn't last long trying to live like a hawk, a wolf, or a shark, which is why humans are nothing like these animals, they have nothing in common with them despite the repeated attempts of some to compare themselves to these animals (which is a lot like narcissism, if not plain narcissism).
The guy/girl was not like a hawk, he/she was like a guy/girl.
Hopefully, it never tries to become Scarsdale or the Hamptons, since then it would no longer be Gastonia.
Gastonia is fine the way it is, without having to change anything for anybody.
An insult used to describe someone who currently does drugs.
The guy wanted to look for trouble by calling anyone who had ever tried drugs (especially drugs other than weed) in their life a druggie. He liked that sort of thing, he thought it was hilarious.
An insult used to describe someone who currently does drugs.
The guy wanted to look for trouble by calling anyone who had ever tried drugs (especially drugs other than weed) in their life a druggie. He liked that sort of thing, he thought it was hilarious, no matter the consequences for everyone involved.
An insult used to describe someone who currently does drugs.
The guy wanted to look for trouble by calling anyone who had ever tried drugs (especially drugs other than weed) in their life a druggie. He liked that sort of thing, he thought it was hilarious, no matter the consequences for everyone involved. He thought that because he was an arrogant son of a bitch who thought he was better than simple folks like that.
An insult used to describe someone who currently does drugs.
The guy wanted to look for trouble by calling anyone who had ever tried drugs (especially drugs other than weed) in their life a druggie. He liked that sort of thing, he thought it was hilarious, no matter the consequences for everyone involved. He thought that because he was an arrogant son of a bitch who thought he was better than simple folks like that. He was the kind of guy who shot anybody that stood up to him (or at least one degenerate lowlife), and claimed it was over a senseless argument, though he knew what his intent was when he said what he said.