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Truman show

Theres a few things about the Truman show that fuck with your head. Jim Carrey is a somewhat tall actor, and you think of a Truman character as being a short guy with Napoleon's syndrome. Marlon seems more like a guy that would bring a 40 by and want to listen to reggae music after work than a white guy with blond hair who shows up with a 6 pack, if he's not an Italian guy that wants to talk business with you. It's not a bad movie, there are just a few inconsistencies about it.

The Truman Show is different than what you would think it would be.

by Solid Mantis October 6, 2020

Truman show

Theres a few things about the Truman show that fuck with your head. Jim Carrey is a somewhat tall actor, and you think of a Truman character as being a short guy with Napoleon's syndrome. Marlon seems more like a guy that would bring a 40 by and want to listen to reggae music after work than a white guy with blond hair who shows up with a 6 pack, if he's not an Italian guy that wants to talk business with you. It's not a bad movie, there are just a few inconsistencies about it.

The Truman Show is different than what you would think it would be. It's not meant to be funny, but it's also not a sad movie either. It's kind of like a part of hell, a slice of hell taken from the rest of hell broke loose.

by Solid Mantis October 6, 2020

Truman show

Theres a few things about the Truman show that fuck with your head. Jim Carrey is a somewhat tall actor, and you think of a Truman character as being a short guy with Napoleon's syndrome. Marlon seems more like a guy that would bring a 40 by and want to listen to reggae music after work than a white guy with blond hair, if he's not an Italian guy that wants to talk business with you. It's not a bad movie, there are just a few inconsistencies about it.

The Truman Show is different than what you would think it would be.

by Solid Mantis October 6, 2020

Drawing board

Sometimes you fight until the end and you lose. It's not an indicator that you need to go and change something, or fix something, and anybody that tells you that it is every time something goes wrong is full of shit. Sometimes things go wrong if you're human and not perfect. It's going to happen even if you have a dream team that wants to win every game. If you've been doing a good job, why you want to change even if someone else tells you that you need to?

Listening too closely to a guy that says a team needs to go back to the drawing boards or change something every time a team doesn't win is a goid way to guarantee that you will fuck up. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is resist a change when it seems like the obvious thing you should do, and it's also the thing that will get you through to the end. Change only gets you a revolving door, and a revolving door doesn't strengthen anybody, it weakens everybody.

by Solid Mantis April 29, 2021


People who drink often don't drink to remember, they drink to forget. Even people who drink socially or to celebrate drink to forget, not to remember. Alchohol wouldn't be any fun to these folks if they remembered everything that happened the night before.

Drinks don't bring bring back memories, they erase them.

by Solid Mantis October 7, 2020

Unsacred marriage

Someone who doesn't hold marriage sacred, but doesn't want to end up alone is likely to enter one.

The guy/girl got married so that he/she wouldn't be alone all the time, rather than because he/she had any actual feelings for the other person. He/she was fine with the marriage being an unsacred marriage, just like everything else in his/her life was unsacred.

by Solid Mantis April 27, 2020

1👍 2👎

Antagonist girl

The joker to the Batman.

Lindsay, the antagonist girl, was trying to take control of the town.

by Solid Mantis September 30, 2019

1👍 1👎