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Antagonist girl

The joker, the impractical joker girl, the clown girl.

The antagonist girl is gonna try and have you give somebody else hell today for her. She knows whose hands she can get dirty.

by Solid Mantis September 30, 2019


Someone who wants you to think what they're doing is unbearable even though it's not. Someone who wants you to feel psychologically tired, rather than actually tired.

You're not unbearable, you're a pseudounbearable poser.

by Solid Mantis May 18, 2020


The way to a man's heart is not stroking his ego, the way to a six year old boys heart is. A six year old boyfriend is fun though.

Which one of us do you love honey me or the six year old? I have the bigger ego, that's intense of me.

by Solid Mantis March 23, 2018

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Misinformation describes it as just about anything.

Girl- We tell those guys they are more talented than they are.

Playing up to somebody's ego only works when the other person doesn't question the bullshit the one trying to play up to their ego is trying to feed them (hears someone say they are talented and doesn't question it, just buys it).

by Solid Mantis November 23, 2020

1👍 3👎

Poser's poser

Someone posing as a poser. A poser of all posers.

Other person- I know you're faking that realness again get up. You're a poser's poser.

by Solid Mantis March 23, 2021

Poser's poser

The group of young black guys and girls kept acting like they were from Southie, then calling white kids who acted like they were from Compton posers.

He/she was the poser's poser, the kind of poser who wouldn't tolerate disrespect of posers.

by Solid Mantis January 25, 2021


Better and cooler than special.

Trent isn't special he's hilltop, that puts special to shame.

by Solid Mantis June 15, 2018