People who have an inferiority complex assume other people have a superiority complex, especially tall people. The reality is no one is inferior or superior to the next person, and that every person is also as different as a fingerprint. As long as that's true, equality doesn't exist since equality means exactly the same. Even identical twins are not exactly the same. The trouble is when people take the statement that no two people are the same and turn it into a statement that involves better than or less than.
Guy 1- There's no such thing as true equality, since true equality would mean everyone was exactly the same, and the world would be boring if it were like that.
Guy 2- First off, don't make me feel less than like you're better than me, I'll defend anybody that you make feel that way, we are all equal. You're saying you're better than me.
Guy 1- No, I didn't mention anybody being better or worse than you. I know what I said, I said that equality doesn't exist since no two people are exactly the same, and the world would be boring if they were the same. You're adding the rest and expecting nobody to react to your bullshit. Your inferiority complex is as much to blame for an argument as the attitude you said I had.
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The guy who tries to give the first reach around any time somebody visits his house.
The guy knew how to have a good time, he was a reacher for successful reacharounds.
Something you don't see often.
Your murderers might come to you with a smile, but most of the time they are not still wearing one at the time they kill you. A smiling gunman is rare.
What a wallflower starts off as.
That guy wasn't even a wallflower when you first met him, he was a wallvine.
A guy/girl that gets off watching insects fuck.
The insectophile got a hard on watching a grasshopper porn DVD his friend made him, but thought the flying insects were more acrobatic and exciting to watch. He thought there was something wrong with the people who watched reptile porn.
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Someone who holds no moral standard sacred has no true moral standards. Just like anyone can say god bless you (or even write a song about god) without believing in any god, anyone can claim to have moral standards.
A lot of people who claim that they lowered their moral standards are full of shit, they never believed in any of the moral standards they said they had in the first place. They never really believed in the rules they behaved within, but for some reason mindlessly kept behaving within these rules, norms, and standards, unless everyone else was breaking them, then they'd go along with the crowd and do what the crowd was doing so they didn't end up standing or being alone. They would range from wholesome, plain, and almost Puritan (no cursing, arrest everybody for being human) to anarchist, depending on what everyone else around them was saying/doing. A true coward is not someone afraid to stand, it's someone afraid to stand alone.
A guy that gives it three hundred percent in every game, because he has only one kidney left. A guy that does more with one kidney than some people would do with 3 kidneys.
Ladies, I am five feet tall, and I have only one kidney, but that doesn't stop me from reaching my goals. Ask my team, if they want somebody to dunk the ball, they pass it to me! Boomshakalaka! My coach says I'm five foot nothing, but I got the heart of a liger, a half lion half tiger that can fly. If you doubt Lance Ballinstrong, you're a stupid faggot clown man.