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Lance Ballinstrong

The Olympic basketball player who gives 200 percent in every game because he only has one kidney.

She hustled you out of your left kidney didnt she Lance Ballinstrong? The news told people something different, they said you overcame so many obstacles in life that people who meet you should get on their knees start sucking your dick to show you how good a job you're doing and thank you for being such an inspiration to other people who lost at least one internal organ.

by Solid Mantis January 5, 2021

Lance Ballinstrong

A 5 foot nothing guy who plays basketball with one kidney.

Lance Ballinstrong at a bar- Ladies, I am five feet tall and I have only one kidney left ever since I left the bar one night with with this one girl. My coach calls me five foot nothing. If my team needs someone to dunk the ball, they pass it to me, since nobody expects me to be able to do it and I shock the other team every time.

by Solid Mantis January 14, 2021

Billboard minded

The assumption that most people want their cities transformed by sleazy developers and people involved in real estate, and that they love and accept such people and changes.

The billboard minded girl thought that peole thought she was doing a good job.

by Solid Mantis May 23, 2021


An act of arson doesn't bring people together. People had somewhere to go and be together, then the act of arson took that from them, and they have nowhere like that after that.

Arson and wildfire never brought anybody closer together or warmed any hearts.

by Solid Mantis January 27, 2021

6👍 10👎

Affordable housing

Theres not actually a lack of affordable housing (at least not in the South), or affordable housing being built, theres skyrocketing housing costs in what were once affordable houses. When growth is slow and steady (rather than skyrocketing and out of control), housing remains closer to affordable. Theres already been one real estate bubble that burst in recent history, the same people behind the bubble are the ones talking about a lack of affordable housing. People move to the South because its affordable, where the cost of living was high on the West Coast or up North.

When housing costs aren't skyrocketing, more pople can afford them, thus there is not a shortage of affordable housing. It's as simple as the dollar signs the people playing the real estate market envision to understand.

by Solid Mantis September 4, 2020

Toxic recycler

Someone who puts all the wrong shit in the recycling bin, an imperfect recycler.

Fuck you if you dont like toxic recycled shit, we really dont want to sell you shit in the first place, but not selling you shit isnt a good way to make money, so instead we sell you this toxic plastic shit these assholes and jerks keep giving us. If only we had the heart to tell them to take it to the landfill, but we want your money too much to do that, and that would look bad on us if people stopped recycling and took their shit back to the landfill again. So we found the heart to curse you, the buyer out.

-Toxic Recycler Dude

by Solid Mantis June 12, 2020


Biggie was right when he said you're nobody until you die. Really all people have to go by when you're somebody (when you're dead) is what you did back when you were nobody. If you focus on nothing but being nobody in particular, you don't get as much done.

Nobody is anybody in particular.

by Solid Mantis April 28, 2021