Someone who moves through life quickly.
The girl would shoot first, then run second, or would cut first, then run second. She always acted tough, and preached a tough walk, but really she was a sprinter by nature and always had been, since people don't change with time.
Someone who moves through life quickly.
The girl would shoot first, then run second, or would cut first, then run second. She always acted tough, and preached a tough walk, but really she was a sprinter by nature and always had been.
One of the top names people are naming their babies now.
Come in here Zacholas quit licking frogs.
2π 1π
Being an asshole, and being aware that you're an asshole, and not feeling the need to change is not the same thing as being egotistical, even if bullshit people can't tell the difference between the two.
The guy is an asshole, he's always been an asshole, he's not going to change into something else, that doesn't give him a false sense of ego, or make him egotistical (since he doesn't think he's the most special,unique, or important asshole that ever lived). He's not as oblivious to how much of an asshole he is as bullshit people think he is.
2π 1π
Somebody who likes to play with fire.
The girl tried to start nonviolent protests, but arsonists were as violent as they come, so the protests were never really nonviolent in nature. Being as much of an arsonist as she was an activist, its fortunate she didn't get anybody at the protest hurt or killed with her actions (especially the protesters who didn't know their fellow protestor was an arsonist, something that was well hidden from them).
7π 1π
A girl (or guy) who likes to play with fire (or have someone else start one). Some arsonists are unknown.
The arsonist did plenty of damage to the building.
4π 2π
You will get gangrene if you get stuck in the neck with one.
CO- Check under his rack, somebody gave me information that he had a candy cane shank in his cell.