To try and force someone to stop resisting something.
Authority figure- Keep calm and com ppl ly with my rules/laws.
Other person- Fuck your rules and laws, they are yours, you live by them, and I'll live by my rules and laws.
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To try and get someone to stop resisting something.
The authority figure tried to calm people. The authority figure believed he/she was above his/her laws and did not have to behave in a certain way, but thought that other people did.
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You wouldn't hear about as many female athletes shooting up in the neck in a postseason game. Females live longer because they're chicken shot about taking unnecessary risks with their bodies like that, even if they're chicken shit, they're still alive at 70 something in greater numbers than males are.
Females are no less desperate than males to win at something, they're just more desperate to live to win another day at something, which is why they usually live longer lifespans which is like winning to them.
Winning is nice and all, but you gotta be pretty desperate for it if you're getting shots in your neck. Hopefully if someone told you that shooting heroin in your neck would get you a ring, you wouldn't be desperate enough to start doing it, though all of a sudden the same guys getting shots in their neck who don't judge would start calling other guys junkies who got the heroin shots, which is hypocrisy.
The guy shot up five times in the neck to get a title, he must think if you're not winning that way, you're not trying.
There is no winning, there is only not losing what you lost the last time.
There is no winning.
To undo programming and conditioning.
The girl needed to take her bullshit programs and interventions back to where she came from. There she could act like she owned the place all she wanted to, since it was really where she was from. People needed to deprogram from her bullshit, and if there's a program to get people deprogrammed or unplugged, they're not deprogramming from anything.
If there is a structured program to support or encourage unplugging or deprogramming, doesn't that defeat the purpose of spending unstructured time unplugging or deprogramming?
The girl needed to take her bullshit program back to where she was from, so that people could deprogram from her bullshit.