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Circus clown

A clown at a circus.

He was a 400 pound comedian that hit puberty at 10 and did backflips across the stage in case the audience missed the circus. He was a circus clown.

by Solid Mantis January 10, 2021


A guy with every sense but humor is humorblind.

Pranker-I can make anybody laugh but that guy.
Prankers friend-He's humorblind, and soon it will be spread and we will be humorblind too. What are we going to do to make this guy crack up?

by Solid Mantis February 18, 2018


A guy who could see what you did, hear what you said, but didn't laugh at it.

Carl can hear you he's a bit humorblind though.

by Solid Mantis February 18, 2018

Mail chick

Not everyone that delivers the mail is male. Some mail carriers are female.

The dog didn't like the mail chick or anybody shaped like the mail chick. Something about the buzz haircut triggered the dog, and it would always start chasing her.

by Solid Mantis December 2, 2020

Tanzanite eye

The point of view you have if you watch a lot of QVC. You hear about a golden eye or a diamond eye, but you hardly ever hear about a tanzanite eye or an emerald eye.

Dr. Robotnik- Chaos, what is that reflection in your emerald eye? Is that me I see?

The reflection in his/her tanzanite eye was keeping the QVC folks from getting any rest at night.

by Solid Mantis May 21, 2021


Really, it doesnt take miracles or Jesus to get up and walk again, it's as simple for most people as (fear of) not wanting to be a vegetable for the rest of your life. It's not a matter of being a fighter or miracles, it's a matter of what you wont get to do if you dont get up and walk again.

Not wanting to be a vegetable will keep most people going to physical therapy and all the other stuff, most people will try things they wouldn't usually try when being a vegetable is the other thing you could do. In that sense, no Jesus, black, white, or olive skinned dark haired Jew can be your miracle, you'd have to be your own miracle in that sense, and crawl and take your baby steps all over again until your body remembers how to walk again if you have to. Then do the physical therapy. What would make a cop shoot somebody in the back 7 times, it's almost to the point they seem to try and outdo what they did to trigger the last unrest by lowering the bar a little more to limbo under it. The last one died without suffering more than 10 minutes, they want this one to suffer a little longer. One has no life, and now this one has no legs.

by Solid Mantis August 25, 2020


He's in his first role in a movie where he's not smooth like usual. Now people are going to wonder who the real Justin Timberlake is, he's going to confuse them.

Timberlake is usually the smooth guy who dances all the time, synchronized and without fucking anything up. Now he's trying to be a guy that has nothing but hardship in his life in a movie. That doesn't seem like the Justin Timberlake most people think they know all about via the media, though somebody really did know him as a kid.

by Solid Mantis January 27, 2021