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When and how did Timberlake get to be so bold? Was he like that as a kid, or is it a newly formed boldness?

Good luck Timberlake.

by Solid Mantis January 27, 2021


A dope dealer who wants to preach to you about how to get your life straight is hypocritical.

The dope dealer thinks he/she knows better than anyone who should be in rehab, then tells other people not to judge. What's more hypocritical than that?

by Solid Mantis June 25, 2019

6👍 4👎


Food dogs eat.

The guy knew many great people through family and friends, some were even kind enough to send him dogfood to snack on while he was in jail to show their appreciation of knowing him and how great it was that everybody in life has no evil in them.

by Solid Mantis June 2, 2020

Girl with the glass jaw

The girl that sees a female from history and decides the person is everything she wants to be, though its not who she was growing up, and therefore not who she is.

The girl with the glass jaw talked a lot of shit based on who she wanted to be in life, and it also took attention off some of what she was doing with her spare time.

by Solid Mantis October 22, 2019

Girl with the glass jaw

A girl with a lot of mouth on her.

Despite her crude mouth, the girl with the glass jaw had always had a delicate jaw. Her mother did her best to protect her well enough that she could keep her mouth running all the time.

by Solid Mantis October 22, 2019

Girl with the glass jaw

A female who's not in a relationship with either sex currently (but has been in the past) because she's been rejected by members of both sexes. A female who tries to rally other people to support her even at the expense of their own relationships (the kind of person who would try to fuck with the lives of two people who are otherwise happy together, despite the female in the relationship having something in common with her). A female who makes everybody's life around her about her, then tells them all its not about them, which is true, everything has to be about her.

The girl with the glass jaw didn't want to be rejected and alone at the same time, so she tried to get other females to think like her, even though she didn't really know anything about being happy with another human being(and some of them did), since every relationship she had tried at, she had been rejected for making the relationship all about her, the same way she did with family, which is why nobody missed her when she was somewhere on the other side of the globe. She was quick to get other people to sacrifice things, and try and get them to compromise rather than resist.

by Solid Mantis October 22, 2019


Something people might tell you they think you are even when they don't think you are.

No matter what he/she said about thinking the guy was smart enough/good enough, it was evident that he/she didn't really think the guy was smart enough/good enough/qualified enough to figure a few things out.

by Solid Mantis March 31, 2020