Somebody who keeps thinking they're they're a shark circling, when really they're a silverfish with a big mouth, kind of like a shark has a big mouth.
The silverfish keeps coming back looking to do some more damage.
The Wal Mart ad telling black guys they are kings limits them to be one kind of black guy, when really there are all kinds of black guys. Some are kings, some are jesters, some are soldiers, some are workers, some are troubadours, some are artists or poets, some are athletes, some are farmers, and the list goes on, just like any other group of people.
The one who made the Wal Mart ad telling back guys they are kings most likely wasn't black (or male). The one who benefits the most from it most likely isn't black (or male).
An effeminate male reptilian, or a female reptilian with a boyish charm and haircut.
The male reptilian boy girl was an effeminate gangster, and the female reptilian boy girl wore a hat backwards over her shaved head. Both kinds of reptilian boy girls would were the kinds of people who would get tattoos so nobody would mess with them, and always brag about how evil and badass they were.
Not acknowledging negative feelings is true repression. Not allowing other people to acknowledge theirs because you don't acknowledge yours is the worst kind of repression/oppression.
For someone that claimed to be such a free spirit, repression was something she used at many oppurtune times to benefit from doing so.
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A black guy who's like a white guy, sometimes more like a white guy than a white guy.
The blonkey is gonna fuck up when he tries to dance with a black girl. He shoulda stuck with white chicks.
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Somebody that moves to your neighborhood from theirs, then gets embarrasssed by your presence there because they thought they owned the place.
I knew you before you moved to my neighborhood, had a car, a house, or a job, or claimed to be a seasoned, award-winning somebody here, back when you ran to your mother and had her have your father threaten (or woop) somebody instead of the police. So you can shove your awards, your experiences, and your threats about having somebody locked up in a jail or a mental institution right up your ass and get out. Arrogance doesn't come from your family.
A white kid that acts like a Cuban. The white kids who consider themselves Tony Montana from Scarface.
Dan is a Wuban. He's not Cuban and doesn't speak a lick of Spanish, but considers himself the biggest cocaine dealer in south florida.
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