A lot of people look like a serial killer, but you don't hear many people say to somebody they know how they look like a serial rapist.
Gary-You look like a fuckin serial rapist Trent.
Trent-Fuck you don't say that Gary.
You know, I used to think Jim looked like a serial killer but not any more. Jim looks like a fuckin serial rapist.
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Someone takes something from you, you take something from someone else, and you reap it when the next guy you fucked over when he gets over when he returns the favor, since kindness is considered too easy by some.
Life is full of options, sometimes the asshole it forward option is the best option.
An asshole who doesn't laugh when you tell your friends to point and laugh at his shrimp dick is most likely not laughing because he really does have a shrimp dick.
That guy really does have a shrimp dick no wonder he's a masturliker!
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The kind of dick a masturliker has.
The guy keeps trying to show her his shrimp dick and she doesn't find that funny at all anymore.
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The area between black and white.
Some people don't want a gray area to be allowed, they just want everything that isn't green to be blue, blue chips.
A way to say you think somebody is bluffing without saying it.
Say BLUF, the S.C.A.R.E.C.R.O.W is too much of a dumbass to know what you're talking about, you're too smart for him.
Going to someone else's neighborhood and trying to fuck with them there is both one sided and inflammatory, especially if they're not showing up where you're from and trying to fuck with you there.
The girl didn't know how one sided her shit really was, which was why it was the worst kind of one sided. Her not holding anything about anybody's life sacred didn't mean nobody else did.