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Queer bully

A bully that is said to have more balls than any other kind of bully, despite the lack of evidence.

Guy with many gay/bi/lesbian/transsexual friends-Well, the queer bully has more balls than a regular bully the same way some people will say a female bully has more balls than any other kind of bully. There's no evidence supporting the claim, people are expected to believe they just do.

by Solid Mantis May 15, 2019


A short period of rest a kindergarden child gets halfway through the day of school.

Mrs noneofyourbeeswax gave her students a kidnap every day for about a half hour.

by Solid Mantis February 27, 2016

3👍 3👎


What you reach if you don't reach a climax.

Her man couldn't help her reach a climax, but he could help her reach an anticlimax any time.

by Solid Mantis January 4, 2021

Penguin shit

The coolest kind of shit.

You're as cool as penguin shit dude!

by Solid Mantis May 14, 2020


If being a moron hasn't gone wrong for you yet, its too bad for everyone else you haven't got yourself hurt at least once by your own actions.

Lindsay never told people about the times she fucked something up, since she liked to keep hearing them tell her about lucky she was to still be alive. Nobody ever told her anything harsh though, such as most morons wouldn't still be here today if they used your (lack of) judgment or self control. She was allowed by other people to talk her shit about every moron in the world, but the minute anybody did the same to her, they were cold hearted, or mean spirited, or nasty, always the other person was the bad guy.

by Solid Mantis December 30, 2020


Somebody who has to try everything once, no matter how pointless or senseless the action is.

Lindsay had to change seats and tires once a week, just to see what it was like. She also had to stick her tongue in an outlet, hit a landmine with a hammer, and skydive into a building at least once in life, or it wasn't a life, but she also has to preach to other people about not using their common sense, and about how they should straighten out their lives, since she needed to see what it was like to be a hypocrite like everyone else (except without realizing it). It must be fun to be a moron.

by Solid Mantis December 30, 2020


Someone who hates a statue because everyone wants to remove it, or because the media says it's divisive, rather than for their own reasons.

Thanks to the moron, there was no more statue, since nothing that might offend anyone could be left in the park. The park now had to be politically correct and compliant.

by Solid Mantis October 19, 2020