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Someone who thinks its clever to spell dick with a q instead of with a k.

The girl was a moron.

by Solid Mantis October 16, 2020


As far as mythology goes, if Hades could be stopped by humans, so could Zeus. Zeus knew that, and therefore desperately tried to keep them loving him instead of rising against him, the way they did his brother. The story is similar to the ones the scribes wrote in the bible. The scribes wrote this stuff to keep people going to church and giving the church their money, instead of rising against people like the scribes, who fear(ed) the masses.

Zeus has no power he's not given by humans because he is not real. He was written by humans who wanted to stay in power.

by Solid Mantis February 28, 2021

Politically active

Someone who's involved in politics through financial or through an office. Someone who doesn't even vote isn't politically active.

Apathetic is the opposite of politically active, so calling somebody who doesn't vote politically active and apathetic is like calling a house cheap and expensive.

by Solid Mantis February 4, 2020


Not free to all, an area where you have no rights.

If an area is restricted, people have no rights there, it's not free. A restricted country is not a free country, it's a country where you have no rights.

by Solid Mantis July 18, 2020

Athletic sex life

What a track athlete and cheerleader would have, which is weird to imagine.

Track athlete-Cheer me on while I jump you baby.

Cheerleader- I hate it when you jump me, I'm not a hurdle. Gooooooo, fuck yourself tonight, I'm not in the mood, woooooooo!

Track athlete- I thought I was gonna get a trophy or a ring for my athletic sex life.

by Solid Mantis September 23, 2020

Athletic sex life

What a track athlete and cheerleader would have, which is weird to imagine.

Track athlete-Cheer me on while I jump you baby.

Cheerleader- I hate it when you jump me, I'm not a hurdle. Gooooooo, fuck yourself tonight, I'm not in the mood.

Track athlete- I thought I was gonna get a trophy or a ring for my athletic sex life.

by Solid Mantis September 23, 2020

Cloak and paper

Slower than a dagger, and even slower than slow cutting.

The girl pretending to be his friend was making cuts between his ribs with paper as the cloak and paper tactics proceeded.

by Solid Mantis November 5, 2020