Slower than a dagger, and even slower than slow cutting.
The girl pretending to be his friend was making cuts between his ribs with paper as the cloak and paper tactics proceeded to go as she planned.
Someone who's got most of their true muscle between their ears, but still makes neverending desperate attempts to physically dominate people with body language (especially in crowded public settings), often resulting in police showing up to threaten people who don't think life is like a poker tournament or a trip to Vegas. Also known as an instigator.
He/she was a horse's ass, but not everybody was ignoring him/her like she thought, many of them were rejecting him/her, but he/she could never see that, all the muscle between the ears was dense.
Someone that stops just short of forcing people to take a vaccine by instead trying to suggest or encourage (push) them to do what they want them to do indirectly.
She started a desperate vaccine push, since she felt that not enough people were doing what she wanted them to do, instead of what they wanted to do (and not what they were told they wanted to do) .
What's the point of going out and protesting, when you end up on your knees at the end of it, when all is said and done?
Protesting is a waste of time that could be spent waking up and fighting, or at least going to work.
7👍 3👎
Protesting doesn't really do anything, it's always going to end up being someone other than the protestors in charge at the end of the day, and that person is always going to try and calm them. What's the point? It's a waste of everyone's time and nothing changes.
The people in charge along with everybody who is not in charge and also not part of the protests laugh at protestors. At least everybody not protesting is getting something accomplished that day, or those days (and nights).
More people listen to people with low set thumbs, because they are considered more courageous and give compliments to females.
Guy- I wanted to keep my thumbs low a little bit longer, but I didnt feel like being brave or complimentary today.
Guy with low set thumbs- You lazy fucking coward piece of shit, lower your thumbs before I break them.
More people listen to people with low set thumbs, because they are considered more courageous and give compliments to females.
Guy- I wanted to keep my thumbs low a little bit longer, but I didnt feel like being brave or complimentary today.
Guy with low set thumbs- You lazy fucking coward piece of shit, lower your thumbs.