You have to wonder if Bill de Blasio is going to end up dead like that kid from Charlotte who ran for mayor over what somebody thought was inappropriate to say and needed to be censored.
If Bill de Blasio doesn't have the right to say certain things, does anybody else in New York?
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A citizen who's a model is a model citizen.
The girl was a model citizen. She was law abiding, it was everyone else who was the criminals. Her double standards didn't count as double standards.
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A charming, phony, superficial guy who is scared of girls, especially the ones with pigtails.
Guy 1- I bet the niceguy would back down if your sister went to kick his ass, he would be too embarrassed and ashamed to do anything but crawl away on his knees, never calling himself by another name than bitch for the rest of his life.
Guy 2- Yea we've been overestimating this guy for too long, he doesn't even look girls in the eye when they talk to him, he's scared to even talk to a girl, what a bitch.
Cats and dogs dont vote, work or hold offices, though one day people could advocate for them if they thought that was what cats and dogs really wanted to do. Cats and dogs dont take as many vacations as humans either, you'd almost think they dont have good lives. If you're the kind of person who thinks they should be freed from captivity, why would you own a cat or dog yourself? Animal control and groups that send animals somewhere like a kennel for adoption are not providing freedom for these animals, it's really the opposite.
Cats and dogs don't vote, work, or hold office. The point being that female cat or dog owners are no more the solution to humanity than are male pet owners. If they're human, they're the problem like everyone else.
A dog will do shit a cat would never do, like beg for food.
The difference between cats and dogs-
Dog- Please fill my bowl, I'm beggin you, don't do this to me!
Dog owner- Shut the fuck up!
Cat- What's up? You got my food yet? Don't make me come back again before that bowl is full. If that bowl isn't full by the time I get back...
Cat owner- All right, all right god dammit, you're not the only one ready to eat you know?
A dog will do shit a cat would never do, like beg for food.
The difference between cats and dogs-
Dog- Please fill my bowl, I'm beggin you, don't do this to me!
Dog owner- Shut the fuck up faggot!
Cat- What's up? You got my food yet? Don't make me come back again before that bowl is full a second time. If that bowl isn't full by the time I get back...
Cat owner- All right, all right god dammit, you're not the only one ready to eat you know?
Getting lucky after midnight.
Mack got in a late hit after he got off from work.
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