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Sense of humor

Having a poor sense of humor is worse than really being broke. Not taking anything seriously isn't the same thing as having a sense of humor. Being a joke isn't the same thing as being funny.

The girl had a poor sense of humor.

by Solid Mantis November 8, 2020

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Revenge bully

Someone that became a bully and a badass later in life to get back at anybody that caused them to suffer eary in life.

He/she was a revenge bully that spent the rest of his/her life trying to get back at the monsters that did what they did to him/her early in life.

by Solid Mantis May 15, 2021

Ruler ref

The guy who tells both contestants how small their dicks are in comparison to the portion of the male population who doesn't participate in the dick measuring contest, but not until after the contest is over and measurements have been recounted to the micrometer.

Guy 1-The ruler ref doesn't know who won, he says we both have a small dick in comparison to most males. That's not gonna stop me from finding out who won by the next recount.
Guy 2- You know me, I'm gonna do this anyway I gotta know.
Guy 1- I gotta know myself.

by Solid Mantis June 14, 2018

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Ruler ref

Doesn't know what to say when a measurement turns out to be too close to call.

Ruler ref-Well, I didn't think this would ever happen, but your dicks look the same size. I might not be reading accurately, but they're really close. I didn't think I would ever get readings this close, then again I didn't think I'd ever referee a dick measuring contest, and here I am doing that.

by Solid Mantis June 14, 2018

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Going to work and relating to people through work is something a lot of people dont take for granted when they become unemployed. You can survive without work or a social life, but theres a sense that something is missing if people try to do it for an extended time.

Unemployment isnt usually something people do for their own amusement.

by Solid Mantis May 29, 2020

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Unemployed with benefits is not true stability, so most people wouldn't choose it over having a steady job for an extended time.

Most people dont think of unemployment as a good thing.

by Solid Mantis May 29, 2020

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Unemployment isnt a comfortable life, even for people who get benefits. Theres something essential about having a steady job, theres a reason most people would rather work than be unemployed with benefits for an extended time, and many would rather go to work than work from home. Having a job gives a lot of people a sense of being a part of something outside their family, or what's at home, it's not something that can be replaced. Most of the people who are unemployed and getting benefits aren't living that way because it's what they wanted to do since they were kids, they live that way because the business they worked for shut down.

He/she wouldn't choose unemployment as a way of life, but it was his/her current circumstances.

by Solid Mantis May 29, 2020