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Confederate statue

A Confederate statue is no more a threat to public safety than a statue of a Civil Rights leader. The statue was never the threat, it's the ppl eople that gather around the statue, no matter their shade of skin, that are a threat to each other. The statues are fine the way they are, they were after all, built by humans.

It's not everybody's problem when someone is offended by a Confederate statue, just like it's not everybody's problem when someone is offended by a statue of a Civil Rights leader. Both kinds of statues should be left alone, if anything people are more of a threat to the statues than the statues are to people.

by Solid Mantis May 4, 2021

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Something you won't find in Lubbock, Texas, Phoenix, Arizona, most of California, Las Vegas, Dallas, Texas or even Winston Salem, NC. You won't find them because there are no sternwheelers to be found there. A sternwheeler is not unique enough for you though.

Nowadays people have to have slot machines and Texas hold em on board when they get on a sternwheeler, otherwise they will get bored in 15 minutes.

by Solid Mantis June 19, 2018

The dispossessed

People you would think have nothing left. What somebody has doesn't have to be expensive or valuable financially to be held sacred by a person or group you're trying to take something from, even if most things taken tend to be out of financial interest rather than for any other reason. It is the belief of some that if you take that which someone or a group of people holds most dear, you've taken everything, you've taken what they're made of. It's like walking up behind someone and stabbing them in the heart, or between the ribs.

He/she would live off the land of the dispossessed, make what was theirs his/hers, try to make their lives his/hers, might even try to become him/her/them. The desperate ones who tried to dispossess the others had always been imitating somebody else, they knew how to imitate for a living, they were good at it.

by Solid Mantis April 15, 2020


More than one pizza.

He gave me $50 for these high resolution photos of Spiderman, what the fuck am I supposed to do with that? Buy a couple pizzas?

by Solid Mantis May 2, 2021


A marionette sounds more like a female puppet, you would think a male puppet would be called a marion.

A few people tried turning him/her into a marionette.

by Solid Mantis September 18, 2019

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Caring what people think of you.

The girl said she didn't care what anybody thought of her, though she really cared desperately. She was as insecure as anybody else was.

by Solid Mantis June 15, 2018

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Fake jerk

A jerk who's fake.

The one guy got shot for being a real asshole, but the fake jerk would say he was just kidding after everything he said, so that people at the party would think the guy was relatively harmless, like a benign tumor.

by Solid Mantis June 24, 2019