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Saying you know something, or someone well isnt the same thing as saying you know everything about everything. Its saying you know something, or someone well, no more, no less.

Some things and people you just know, even if you dont know everything about everything.

by Solid Mantis July 27, 2020


If being yourself was really all you could do, there would be no actors and actresses, and there would certainly be no actors/actresses, or imitators telling other people to be themselves.

An actor/actress knows how to pose as other people, they do it all the time. The reality is you can be yourself, and you can also be a poser your entire life, and plenty of the people telling other people to be themselves are busy being posers themselves.

by Solid Mantis July 21, 2020


Another word for gentrification, where they get enough people living somewhere to stab or shoot one another to move everybody out and buy (really take) the land cheap when it becomes a ghost town.

A lot of neighborhoods in Detroit and places like Detroit would have once been considered by some to be like what suburban areas are now, nice neighborhoods that had houses with lawns, outside of downtown and the business/commercial/industrial areas. The neighborhoods didnt really decline, they did get rid of a lot of people the same way they got rid of a lot of white people after World War 2 in the larger cities, and nothing and nobody replaced many of the people that left Detroit recently. A neighborhood that once was filled with Italians or Jews or another group might become a black neighborhood, but gentrification is the same no matter what the shade of skin of the people that live there, it is a human neighborhood.

by Solid Mantis October 10, 2020


Decline is what happens in a mudslide, the land goes down the hill. A neighborhood sitting at the same elevation it was 50 years ago hasn't declined.

The houses began to decline in the mudslide, killing an old lady who lived at the bottom of the hill.

by Solid Mantis October 10, 2020


Another word for gentrification, where they get enough people living somewhere to stab or shoot one another to move everybody out and buy the land cheap when it becomes a ghost town.

A lot of neighborhoods in Detroit and places like Detroit would have once been considered by some to be like what suburban areas are now, nice neighborhoods that had houses with lawns, outside of downtown and the business/commercial/industrial areas. The neighborhoods didnt really decline, they did get rid of a lot of people the same way they got rid of a lot of white people after World War 2 in the larger cities, and nothing and nobody replaced many of the people that left Detroit recently. A neighborhood that once was filled with Italians or Jews or another group might become a black neighborhood, but gentrification is the same no matter what the shade of skin of the people that live there, it is a human neighborhood.

by Solid Mantis October 10, 2020

High rise

A building with a deeper foundation than a mid rise or low rise.

If a market isn't deep, they don't build a high rise, they build something that is thought to be less of a risk/liability.

by Solid Mantis December 10, 2020


If someone did want to weaponize a virus, they wouldn't have to, the birds, the bees, or the bats would do it for them. There's a lot of money to be made in a pandemic, and a lot to gain for some folks, even as everyone else shuts down.

A virus wouldn't need to be weaponized by a human, and a human that wanted one weaponized knows that, so if anybody starts asking questions, they can always give the bats, the birds, or the bees as the answers

by Solid Mantis February 10, 2021