If your mother is on your side, so is your father, so is everybody in life, from people you just met to people you've known a long time.
The mama's girl always thought that everyone else had a better life, or that they all thought they were better, when really it was her that thought they thought they were better and not them.
Not every female is a mama's girl, it's about the same as with guys.
The mama's girl wanted all females to think that the guy was saying that all females were mama's girls, when some had been daddy's girls as a kid. Often an eldest daughter or an only child is closer to the father.
It doesn't go with any social stigma for a female like it does with a male.
She got to be a mama's girl, and hardly anybody said anything to/about her about it.
When you got your mother on your side, you got the world on your side.
She said she was the odd man out, but really she was a mama's girl and was used to everybody around her taking care of her, having her back, and sharing with her (experiences that were not depressing or somber, material things, favors, and so on), but still claimed to be the underdog in life all the time (and really believed her own bullshit).
The area between black and white isn't blue, its grey. If there's no grey area, black and white will always remain divided, white people will keep giving people the blues, black people will keep getting them. Wouldn't it be nice if nobody got the blues?
The girl kept trying to take more and more of the grey area and replace it with a lot of whining.
I may be wrong on the spelling, but a shalele is a Gaelic noun used to describe a club, larger than both a blackjack and night stick, and heavier. It is literally a club intended to f$%K somebody up, plain and simple, trespassers, or anybody bothering you. Just like a ballbat, a shalele is heavy enough to do serious damage, but lighter than a ballbat.
You're getting on my bad side, and a shalele can fix your attitude quick pal!
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The nicest enemy you could ever meet.
He/she was a friendly foe, and always had a smile and an insult or five to go with it. He/she was the nicest guy/girl that wanted somebody dead you'd ever meet, and pretended to be the guy's friend to the point that he almost believed it.