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Bees knees

The coolest

Lad's dad-Give this lighter to the bug-eyed, unstable looking girl smoking a cigarette. Yea, the one with the hair that looks like a mix between boy band and skater haircut, she will think you're the bees knees for that.
Lad- That's pretty straightforward and easy, that's all I have to do?

by Solid Mantis October 16, 2017

20👍 2👎


An asshole who strokes his own ego until he busts a nut and keeps talking about himself after you already heard about him from him.

John is such a masturliker, I bet $5,000 he will like my Indian compliment I give him because he will take it seriously, what a moron!

by Solid Mantis July 11, 2018

4👍 4👎


More interesting than wrestling gimmicks.

On the 3rd day after Wednesday, Shad Gaspard's resurrection from the dead took place. He was almost like a thief in the night in his most recent incarnation (the one before the resurrection).

by Solid Mantis May 23, 2020

Golden rule

Treat people like shit, that way they treat you like shit. Don't expect them to treat you like shit though, some people try to be friendly to try and get you to be friendly to them.

An asshole's golden rule is not the same as a friendly person's golden rule.

by Solid Mantis August 20, 2019


Somebody who waits until 3 am to pick fights with people they had all day and night to fight.

He/she was a coward, he/she would fight people who were asleep, drunk, or high on drugs (or heavily medicated).

by Solid Mantis October 30, 2020


Someone who never tells anyone they were behind the scam that cost a lot of people thousands of dollars.

He/she was a coward, rather than tell anyone about his/her scam, he/she publicly pretended to be friends of these people who defended them. It was the way he/she was about everything else in life, everything about him/her was a deception.

by Solid Mantis December 1, 2020


The kind of guy you wouldn't want to hire.

Manager-That coward Dalton was supposed to have everything done by yesterday and just like he usually does, he ran from the responsibility.
Coworker-Hahahaha he's gonna go home and cry when you fire him what do you want to bet.
Manager-The tab at the next dinner party, his other coworkers will want a night out when they hear that he got fired hahahaha.
Coworker-That's a bet then.

by Solid Mantis November 2, 2017