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Truth doesn't hurt, it's actually painless. There are many things that hurt more than truth, and most of them make you bleed, so lies and people rejecting you aren't included in a list of them.

Anybody that tries to tell you that truth hurts is full of shit, not truthful or honest.

by Solid Mantis March 14, 2021

Velvet mafia

A term for a group of people that thinks they are funnier (and tougher) than they are.

The guy who said something somebody else thought was homophobic trash wasn't a comedian and didnt think anything he ever said was the least bit funny. He didn't think a velvet mafia had anything to do with what he said being called homophobic trash, he thought it was just a few whining people, and that most didnt really care what he said, because from experience he knew that most people didn't care what he said or did.

by Solid Mantis October 19, 2020

Soft hours

Any time of a day a soft, spiritual person looks for a soft spot in others. It could be the middle of the night, it could be morning, it could be an afternoon in bad weather, or a sunny day in the snow.

The guy/girl was looking for a soft spot in others during the soft hours while wearing a playful mask, a facade of lightheartedness.

by Solid Mantis January 23, 2020

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Self actualized asshole

Someone who already knows they're an asshole, even if you tell them another thousand times what an asshole or a jerk they are.

The guy was a self actualized asshole, or

If you like saying it a different way, he was the kind of asshole you say he was in a different bullshit way, simple.

by Solid Mantis August 7, 2019

Self-actualized asshole

When a guy knows and realizes he's an asshole and doesn't owe anyone an apology for being himself, he's a self-actualized asshole.

Guy 1-The feminist thinks you should apologize to her for something you said or did.
Guy 2-She's the kind of girl that thinks the world owes her an apology and a hug because she was born a female, she may move on past the bullshit attitude she has used to control the males in her life, or she might keep it and still get no apology it doesn't matter to me which option she chooses. I'm a self-actualized asshole, I know.

by Solid Mantis October 26, 2017

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1) A 4 sided shape where all 4 sides make right angles
2) A type of person who doesn't like to see people have a good time. The word has old origins, there is a connection between the shape of a Europeans face and the use of the word.

A group of Indians see a group of square faced white men approaching their fire. One points and smiles and says square what do you want?
The Europeans tell them- You Indians having a good time over here? Not any more, if you stay your children will be slain and your women will be raped, what's left of you will pack up and move to Oklahoma or wherever we decide to send you. Now, you, the strong looking one, come with us.

by Solid Mantis October 20, 2016

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If a guy doesn't even try to swat a fly that lands on his head, what kinds of other decisions is he making on a daily basis?

Were you gonna get that fly, or did you want somebody else to do it?

by Solid Mantis October 9, 2020

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