Someone that has someone else behind them.
The good news is you're not my puppet and I'm not yours. You're not my doll and I'm not yours. You're not my toy, and im not yours. You're free of me, and I'm free of you.
Another way of saying stupid bullshit that makes it sound nicer.
Pizza delivery boy- I got your cheesy rom com to go with your cheesy pizza, and I got it here in under 7 and a half minutes so that my boss won't default on his guarantee, lose a customer and fire my ass.
Customer- Thanks, it's been a cheesy night thanks to you.
Pizza delivery guy- I gotta go, I got a second job to go to, gotta take some ppl ictures of Spider Man now.
Customer- You guys do too much.
Something somebody doesn't have to do if they have reached a certain age and haven't done so already.
If somebody is 40 years old and still a child, that's their business. They don't have to grow up if they are still alive and still a child at the same time.
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A parade usually held during the day, whether it's the Macy's parade in New York or a smaller parade in another city or town. There's a reason the parades have already been successful throught the years they have held them without having to change their scheduleThe , people can already see the floats without having to waste a ton of money to light them up, and they can see the bands and people walking during the day, so it makes sense the parades have always been held during the daytime. A New Years celebration is held at night because the focal point pf the parade is a lit ball, peach, or other object on a building, instead of down on the street with the crowd, so it makes sense for a New Years celebration to be held at night, and not a Thanksgiving parade.
The girl wanted to take the Thanksgiving parade in it's current form from the people who had always known it the way it was, along with many other things. That was the reason (essentially no reason but to be inflammatory and piss everybody off) she wanted the parade, or street signs, or other things they loved about their town the way they were to change to something they didn't recognize.
Hopefully you don't base a decision on whether you're attracted to somebody on what they look like on the surface alone. It's a little bit weird to date only people who don't look like you because they don't look like you and for no other reason.
Dewey Cox's first wife- You can't be married to more than one person at the same time Dewey, neither can I, that's why I'm with Leroy now. Once you go black you never go back.
Dewey Cox- (to Edith) Edith wait! (to Darlene) It's okay, she's gone now, and she ain't coming back. This will make everybody involved happier I think.
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Not trusting in people isnt the same as giving up on everybody, or being a true cynic. A true cynic wears a humanitarian facade.
The girl hated anybody who brought out the cynical nature in her, the one that was masked beneath the pseudo strong, positive, optimistic facade she wore to parties that people who attended seemed to think still needed her presence for some reason. She thought other people were her definition of a doomer, and that she was not one. The people she was trying to make fun of weren't the kind of people who gave up on anything in life.
In baseball, when the pitcher hits the batter in the nuts with a curveball, it's always called a ballstrike.
Umpire-Ballsteeerike! (Ballstrike in umpirish)
Batter- F$%K I can't feel my legs, ahh!
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