Plain and stocked up on hand sanitizer and bleach.
Mrs. Clean didnt want anything to traumatize her delicate mind, so she kept lots of hand sanitizer and bleach, and tried to convince her fans she was perfect and wholesome all the time, that she had never done anything wrong in her life, as innocent as an animal.
When somebody gives a compliment, then says something derogatory about you, they gave you an Indian compliment. A person who gives an Indian compliment is an Indian compliment giver. Like telling somebody they're attractive then telling them they're narcissistic.
Its just as good not to give any compliment at all than to give an Indian compliment. Both ways are about as refreshing as a leaky garden hose with a sprinkler at the end of it on a hot summer day.
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Seems too much like one of those electric collars people put on their dogs the way some people think of them.
The guy's wife thought she got to zap the guy any time she felt like it once he had a wedding ring.
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Someone who plays all sides of a fence, or pond, or any other body of water.
He/she was fenceless, and had no side himself/herself, so instead played everyone else's sides against each other.
A zone where nobody ever gets hurt, knocked down, falls, or dies. Nobody disagrees over anything, argues, fights, or thinks differently. Everything is sterilized and functional, and vegan food is the only food because everyone else is wrong about what they eat and think, and danger is always someone else's fault.
The restaurant is a safe zone, and the country is becoming one. Nothing has to be based in reality in a safe zone, it's a zone where there is no suffering like in the real world.
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Somewhere nobody disagrees, argues, fights, or thinks differently. Everybody is like minded, and there are no bigots, misgynists, chauvinists, racists, or homophobes allowed, and everything is sanitised. The food is all vegan because it's the one and only right way to eat.
The restaurant is a safe zone and the country is turning into one, it is not possible for anyone to get knocked down, fall, or die there, because the dangers are somewhere else.
A wildfire is intense, but usually short lived, most dont last, they go and fuck themselves. Every now and then you have one that lasts well over a year, but not hundreds or thousands of years. At some point, it burns out. Fuel isnt renewable, once its burned up, it's gone for good.
Wildfire lasts a while, then life goes on when its finished.