If you're a black guy, a Jew, or a Mexican/Latin American, the police are going to act a little different when they get a call about you versus one about other groups. It's really a matter of what somebody looks like and not where the call was made.
Really the rest of us are together in this to marginalize Black people, Jews, and Mexicans/Latin Americans is what it seems like. The rest of us almost made the Indians disappear already, and don't treat Black people, Jews, or Mexicans/Latin Americans much better most of the time, day to day.
Having an illness that isn't physical.
She had her mentally ill cousin shot to death by the police for standing up to her. Her cousin might have been a degenerate, but he was not a coward.
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A way to pacify a group of people you've just deployed the national guard and police against after stealing from millions of people they tell that they're concerned about for years.
Here's your stimulus check, you won't mind if the national guard tells you where you can go and what you can do from now on will you? They're concerned about you, don't be concerned about them, be a good puppet and comply with everything they say, it's in your best interest.
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A way for the government to walk away from the fight with their citizens.
Stimulus checks, gifts, gadgets, and other items are intended for the government to get to walk away from the fight withv
their citizens. As long as everybody is following their orders, the chains are invisible and there is no fight evident.
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Walking around like you got a shepard's cane stuck up your ass.
Cain thought Abel was too uptight.
Someone walking around like they have a shepard's cane up their ass.
Cane thought Abel was too uptight.
Walking around like you got a stick up your ass, and your shit don't stink, kind of like I do all the time.
I was born an uptight stiff, so why should I change now. I think I'm cool, but somebody is going to come along and own me one day, then I will see.