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Gold digger

The kind of hypocrite who tells males her worth is not determined by money, but shows them with her actions that theirs is determined by their bank account, which sets another double standard for each sex.

The gold digger says that her worth isn't determined by money, but that a broke male ain't shot, without a good reason for thinking this way.

by Solid Mantis August 1, 2019

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Gold digger

A girl who respects the guys bank account about him, but not who he is.

The gold digger admired the guys bank account for what it was, but would have thought the guy was a mess who needed therapy and had problems if he wasn't as rich as he was.

by Solid Mantis August 1, 2019

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Gold digger

A girl that will say or do just about anything to stay rich and powerful.

The gold digger girl kissed the guy and said it was arousing even though she actually had no interest him because she wanted the publicity so that she could stay rich and powerful. You'd never know what she actually thought of someone or something, since it was all kept hidden from the public eye. Anything that was shared with the public was likely for show, and was bullshit (such as stories of how amazing this person was).

by Solid Mantis October 4, 2019

Gold digger

A girl that has no interest in something til a camera starts rolling.

Gold digger girl- You smoke out of a vaporizer? I too, always smoke out of a vaporizer!


Gold digger girl- Ch Ching, I just made 50 g's for saying that.

by Solid Mantis October 4, 2019

Internet tough guy

One thing about internet anonymity is anybody can use the same anonymity, including people who are not internet tough guys. Tease somebody in person, and say what you're saying online in person, don't be an internet tough guy yourself.

A group of posers called a guy out for being an internet tough guy, but never said any of what they said when they were looking at the asshole.

by Solid Mantis June 18, 2018

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What is widely believed and what is true are often not the same thing.

Movies and the media mislead a lot of people from what is true into what is widely believed or assumed territory.

by Solid Mantis January 21, 2021

Critical moment

A lot of references to critical moments are made with sports. There are no critical moments in most sports games, somebody being in critical condition is a critical moment. Someone performing well under a lot of pressure where not many people would is a lot different than a critical moment.

The guy who helped his team win a ball game isn't really someone who didn't back down from a critical moment, he's just a guy that helped his team win, or didn't quit if they weren't winning, if a reference is made to a guy on a team that didn't win doing something in a critical moment.

by Solid Mantis December 5, 2019