He/she is rejectable to the point that even the devil would never be his/her friend.
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Someone who tries to tell the public who to worship via the media or internet.
The hero finder thinks he/she knows what's in everyone's best interest, and found just the guy/girl for the public to start worshipping. Yesterday it was the kid who tackled the gunman, today it's an athlete, tomorrow its somebody's teacher, the next day it's another person most people are not impressed by.
The first guy to be Dalton in Roadhouse was an original, the next guy to try and be Dalton after him was a lame, inauthentic, low-frequency imbecile.
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Another way of saying compromise, even if saying compromise is simple enough.
When someone says that guy needs to learn conflict resolution, they're really saying he needs to get his ass in line and start compromising, because if he doesn't meet his/her demands like everybody else, something bad will happen.
A true kiss ass is not somebody who's been nice to somebody else. A true kiss ads is somebody who's friendly with authority figures so that the authority figures will take care of them when times get rough.
True kiss ass- Officer, he threatened me. Go arrest him, he's being mean to me!
Police or other authority figure- I don't want to hear what the guy did any more. Take control yourself and quit running to me about everything.
Not a kiss ass-
Guy- Have a nice day.
Other guy- You're a kiss ass sir.
Guy- No, I've said something to you about your day, no more, no less. Fuck you and your day.
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Someone who's go to social skill is to call everybody they meet sir.
Kiss ass- I'm just trying to be respectful, sir.
Guy- You're kissing ass again. Quit kissing my ass, I got a name too.
The female version of the name Cain.
Caindace slipped quietly into the home office of her big sister Abella, where she was working on the computer, and split her skull from behind with a hammer.